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66 imagesCelebrating the meditative, the sublime, the silly and the surreal moments that connects us all. My passion is to juxtapose the joyful and outrageous exuberance of our collective human nature against the grandeur and vastness of mother nature. Envisioning the events and energies all around and within us. Like oceans squeezed into a coke bottle, we are all spiritual beings having a physical experience, yearning to feel the expansive beauty we see in nature reflected in our own human nature. We walk this earth and yet yearn for the heavens.
78 imagesThe sun rises. The sun sets. The clouds shimmer and thunder. The light radiates and glows. These are the moments that stop my race from Doing and call to me to be still.... and just breathe. Photography is my meditation, time stands still, there's nothing to be captured....only savored. To see the beauty in everything and be allowed to just bask in it, as it nurtures and supports us, asking nothing in return. That's Love.
106 imagesBig City lifestyle and dramatic vistas from San Francisco to New York City. Panoramic photography of Big City harbors, skylines, neighborhoods, street scenes, storefronts and natural surroundings.
75 imagesCloud-scapes Majestic cloud photography from the beautiful to the bizarre. Expansive panoramic vistas of clouds. The ephemeral magic of clouds tell me the stories of our collective capacity for true power, allowance, transformation and grace. Oceans of water in vaporous form, like gatekeepers connecting what's above and what's below.
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2 galleriesCellular Memory Paintings & Prints. Original water based paintings on canvas as well as Limited edition Giclee archival Prints. Colorful, soothing and even whimsical original works of art imagining the natural flow and wisdom inherent in our bodies, not our minds.
2 galleriesDREAMSCAPES, Paintings & Prints. Original water based paintings on canvas as well as Limited edition Giclee archival Prints. Colorful, soothing and expansive original works of art. Idyllic abstract vistas embodying the fluidity and sensuousness of natures majestic and tranquil effect.
8 imagesSensuous sentinel sculptures. Proposed installation for outdoor coastal sculpture park. With these proposed sculptures the idea is to incorporate sound and light. Wind chimes will be hung from within and the use of motion sensor solar lights that activate as one approaches or even drums on them, the colors will change. When undisturbed by human interaction the light will gently pulse through every color of the spectrum.
2 galleries
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1 galleryPhotography for me is my meditation where time can come to a still point, not to be captured but to be savored, to see the beauty in everything and be allowed to just bask in it, as it nurtures and supports us, asking nothing in return. That's Love. This is what I see. These are the stories I tell.
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